eSquirrel business

Flexible price packages for your company

For in-house or public courses

Establish digitalization in your company from the moment of enrolment. With eSquirrel, you get mobile-optimised and flexible training options to match your training materials. Your learning platform incl. app for Android and iOS. 



Setup cost
  • Your very own LMS
  • Your very own App (iOS & Android)
  • Authors-Tool
  • Trainer portal
  • Learning analytics
  • Editorial tool
  • Top support


Our affordable business app.
from 9
  • Business app (iOS & Android)
  • Authors-Tool
  • Trainer portal
  • Top support


Distribute your learning content to academies or companies!
from 499
  • Distribution through eSquirrel business (website & in-app stores)
  • Profit share
  • No annual fee
  • Support for your clients



Your white label solution!

Your own learning platform including app „powered by eSquirrel“!

Your new onboarding and training app is optimised for Android & iOS. In addition, you will receive a learning portal that is adapted to your company (includes authoring tool, trainer portal & eSquirrel Study).
Configure collectibles, icons, colours and texts according to your wishes and your corporate identity.

One-time set-up fee: 14.999 €

Monthly fees:

  • up to 100 users: 749€
  • up to 500 users: 1.500€
  • up to 1.000 users: 3.000€
  • up to 5.000 users: 6.000€
  • up to 10,000 users: €12,000
  • Price for more users on request
  • Support: For your company and your employees (response time max 24h on working days)
  • Editorial tool: Uniform evaluation and detailed usage statistics of all courses
  • Sales of courses directly in the in-app store and via third-party providers such as Android & iOS


Extras for eSquirrel.DELUXE


Monthly fees: 499€ per month

You would like to offer your own courses in your own shop and sell them through it? 100% of the proceeds go to the client; only the usual fees of third-party service providers (e.g. Apple, Google, Paypal) apply.


Creation of content: on request

Our highly qualified eSquirrel authors create content for you, adapted to your training materials and the desired target group. The content is created by agreement and checked for pedagogical accuracy. The content is yours (even after the end of the contract). This means you can export it from our system and continue to use it.

*depending on the availability of the authors. 


Use the eSquirrel business Trainer:innen portal & app for professional development.

We make our portal incl. use of the eSquirrel app available to you. Your self-created courses are not public & only visible to people you invite. In addition, you can access public course materials. You create your courses yourself via our authoring tool (or we create them for you, see Extras .Author) and can use all the features of eSquirrel business.

This model is well suited for small and medium enterprises and to the testing!

Costs for self-created content:

Individual courses

9,00 € / participant per course for 6 months

15,00 € / participant per course for 12 months

Unlimited number of courses

45,00 € / participant per course for 6 months

60,00 € / participant per course for 12 months

Extras for eSquirrel.BUSINESS


Creation of content: on request

Our highly qualified eSquirrel authors create content for you, adapted to your training materials and the desired target group. The content is created by agreement and checked for pedagogical accuracy. The content is yours (even after the end of the contract). This means you can export it from our system and continue to use it.

*depending on the availability of the authors. 


Admin tool

Manage courses and participants collectively via the admin tool. Keep an overview of the performance of employees or entire teams.

Usersup to 100up to 500up to 1.000up to 5.000up to 10.000more users
Monthly costs20€30€40€50€60€on request


Your content in the eSquirrel business App!

Use the eSquirrel business platform as a distribution channel for your teaching content.

Sales and distribution on the eSquirrel business website & in the storeincluding
Profit share30 %
Recruitment costs per course (incl. basic check*)499€ (one time)
Duration2 years, thereafter cancellable annually
Support for you & end customersincluding
Promotion by you & usincluding
no annual feeincluding

*Basic check: Correct application of question formats, check for mobile optimisation and check for correct linking of book pages/websites/videos and audio files. Included in the setting costs.

From proceeds from all sales channels (after deduction of VAT and commission by any store operators (e.g. Google, Apple), payment service providers (e.g. PayPal), or other parties involved in the sale (e.g. distribution by third parties)), the client is entitled to 30%.

Extras for eSquirrel.PUBLISH


Creation of content: on request

Our highly qualified eSquirrel authors create content for you, adapted to your training materials and the desired target group. The content is created by agreement and checked for pedagogical accuracy. The content is yours (even after the end of the contract). This means you can export it from our system and continue to use it.

*depending on the availability of the authors. 


Course free of charge for your end customers

Course free of charge for your end customersCourse free of charge for your end customers free (e.g. via code with the product) or completely free of charge in the eSquirrel business store.

You pay us an annual amount per course, the cost per course decreases with the number of courses. In return, your clients can use the eSquirrel course free of charge.








course count







Annual cost per course







All prices are net prices and are subject to statutory VAT.

A1 Telekom Austria
EdTech Austria
Bildungsverlag Lemberger
Bündnis für Bildung
öbv - Österreichischer Bundesverlag Schulbuch
Austrian red cross
Judith Mutici

Judith Mutici
Sales Manager DACH